Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Komentar Film The Last Airbender

Komentar film the last airbender ternyata cukup beragam. Film yang belum lama rilis ini sepertinya akan menjadi salah satu film favorit bagi pecinta film avatar. komentarnya pun cukup beragam, seperti dari movie-moron.com yang mengritik film ini.

The first is favourable:

- First off, I’ll state right from the start that I’ve never seen the TV show that this is based on, though I had heard of it so had an idea as to what to expect. I’ll also state that the movie is still REALLY rough.

- Aang is played by Noah Ringer who absolutely looks great in this role. For a kid carrying the film as the titular character, he does a great job for the most part. I’m convinced that with a few roughly edited and performed scenes fixed by the time it’s released, he’ll prove he’s worth his salt. It looks like this is his first movie too, so I’m even more impressed.

- The action scenes work pretty well, but only one really stood out for me at this time, which takes place in an ancient airbender temple and had some nice set pieces.

- Overall, I think they have a fun-to-watch summer movie here. I’d put it more on the Narnia level rather than the Lord of the Rings level.

The second, not so favourable:

- They said we were the 1st audience to see this, and based on what I saw, I hope it was the last audience because the movie was pretty horrible.

- Whoever cast this film should be taken to task, because, if this was the best group of actors you could assemble, I’d hate to see the ones you rejected. This was some of the most wooden acting I’ve ever seen. The lead child actor was the main culprit and he seemed amateurish compared to some of the others, his two friends weren’t much better.

- The only redeeming value of it was the story which was pretty cool as it dealt with the different elements (Air, Water, Fire and Earth) and groups of people who are able to control it. I’ve never seen the tv show this was based on but I thought it was cool.

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